Saturday, October 11, 2008

camp outs, bogans most importantly: drop bears

oh leadership camp, something i've been looking forward to all year. an exhilarating experience i might say, from all the jokes and laughter to the troubles of waterproofing packs and bags, and repacking and rewaterproofing everything so that you dont happen to capsize in canoes, the team work, the friendships, the progress of an individual and relationships with others. only we grow closer as we work together right?

being the 'i want to be challenged and go for it' type, i chose a 2 night out camp out
i regretted it at first, but during the whole trip, nothing was regretted

getting to base camp, taking a 2.5 hour bus trip and falling asleep, every hour having a certain someone slap you gently and then yell in your ear REALLY wakes someone up; not much sleep was achieved during that bus ride
once we got there, we had morning tea and packed and waterproofed our bags all while the camp leaders were trying to mentally prepare us for the 8km canoe to our first camp site

approximately 3 hours of canoeing in circles and much improvement later, it was decided as groups 3 and 4 were staying together while camping out! once settled and landed our canoes, tents were set up, dinner was being prepared, with everyone craving showers and having no luck! after dinner, the groups just bummed around; together with a few guy friends and my camping buddy we shared a few jokes around until both camp leaders proposed a mini bonfire and marshmallows

and i think this was where it all started; the marshmallows, setting up the bonfire, having never tried toasted marshmallows before which are very delectable! deciding to share my third marshmallow with my friend, whom never has tried toasted marshmallows either, fed him my little burnt marshmallow on a stick, does such a simple act cause your heart to beat so fast? it shouldn't should it? but it did.

after much hanging around and sitting at the base of a tree; a witty comment about bogans and torches arised: "every three seconds you gotta turn on your torch and check for bogans"

hahahaha hilarious that was!

going to bed fairly late that night, woke up early next morning, prepared breakfast etc the two groups split up. one took the canoe, hike and canoe, the other went canoeing and straight hiking
our group canoed, then hiked and canoed some more. canoeing in total approximately 3 - 5kms and hiking 10kms to fig tree point was tiring as hell. the other group suffered more though, lucky them *sarcasm*

eventually reaching the second camp point, we set up for dinner etc, afterwards sitting on a park bench in the middle of nowhere: "pass me my LED torch, i'm gonna check for drop bears" being curious, i asked "what are drop bears?"
he explained "drop bears are bears that climb into the trees then they fall on their prey and paralyse them and eat them"

he seemed pretty serious, but by the time i got into my sleeping bag that night i realised "wait a second, we dont have bears in australia"

hahahahahahah, funny stuff that was , the next morning we left for the original base camp meeting up with him again i asked "hey did you take it seriously about te drop bears thing?"

turns out he took it seriously, when he realised there weren't any bears in australia he looked slightly embarrassed and humiliated, ahhahhaha good memories though

that night after arriving was our 'semi formal' dinner of pasta and chocolate cake and cream dessert, after much small portions of food, leadership and team work activities and a 15minute rave dance we all headed back to either bed or supper

through much leadership activities i developed a love for piggybacks, walking to supper and dinner that night i made most people i know piggy back me, turns out the guy i fancy has a '16 year old body, but a 60 year old back' hahahhahah oh that loser. hahaah

piggybacks are way fun though, but the next morning we left camp, at midday we all boarded the bus. situated with my friend, think of it, your VERY sleepy and the two people behind you [including the guy i liked] both had pillows, switching bus buddies i got shoved with him.

he woulddn't share his pillow, so i used my jumper and tried to sleep, it didn't quite work but somehow falling asleep on his shoulder and him falling asleep on me with a pillow between us...

not quite sure how it all happened, but thats what happened, so now back from camp, tired and sore, not mentally prepared for what i want within myself
lets make a small list of what i learnt:
1. always choose to sleep in the same tent with someone who doens't snore
2. make sure the supervising teacher doens't snore
3. check for bogans
4. bears dont live in australia
5. the bare necessities only last you 3 days and 2 nights
6. cream cheese and premium crackers taste good together
7. and so does fresh toast dipped in hot chocolate
8. i now have an acquired taste for honey
9. piggybacks are loads of fun
10. wild kangaroos are bigger than they seem
11. bus rides are very sleepy
12. but are much more comfortable when your sleeping on someones shoulder
13. packing up tents is lots harder than putting up one
14. packing up tents when its raining and windy is even harder
15. KFC tastes great after camp
16. suppressing urges to cuddle people is a lot harder than it looks
17. suppressing your heart to misbehave its normal beating pattern is even harder
18. i am an independant individual
19. i am in complete denial about my feelings towards some people
20. i missed my teddybear, sebastian, a lot during the trip
21. missing others while they're sleeping in a tent 50metres away is quite easy to achieve also

well thats 21 things i've learnt so far along with a lot of other things but they're the things that stand out the most, i enjoyed the camp very much and i wont forget it
congrats to all those who did their best and enjoyed the camp also, i now understand the concept of not giving up and the many advantages and disadvantages of teamwork and individual work

if anything, changes will happen soon, i only hope they're good changes, with optimism everything will be seen as a good change!

until then~

PS. i have finally admitted i MAY have a certain thing for a certains someone * ^^ *

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