HI! wow its been a while since I’ve blogged anything hasn’t it?
Well nothing too much has been happening lately besides the Halloween party last weekend which was pretty awesome; Sarah was a good host (y)
Hahaha how did that day go… well it was really boring because I wasn’t in a mood to do anything really so I was waiting for time to roll around until 6pm until I could get dressed and go to Lena’s place lol but after we got there, we drove to the party picked up Dinh and went to go pick up Jason
But who knew the toll road on the Logan motorway was all stuffed up and we didn’t have a little beeper thing to get past it, so we followed Dinh’s directions – which were loudly yelled at Lena right in her ear by Dinh himself. Which didn’t make Lena too happy, and I wasn’t too happy either because my directions were shit. So ooh err..
Then we managed to pick up Jason! Woo that took effort if you ask me.
Then we hit the party and Dinh couldn’t get us our drinks… because he was too busy yelling at the poor by passers on the footpath and scaring them… so Lena got more supremely upset too but it was alright coz we stole drinks off Sam and Daniel and took sips from everyone else’s’ drinks hehe
So that night dinh and lena were edgy… and they were both kinda tipsy and things were starting to roll out of control there. And Jason was pissed at me too because I promised him I wouldn’t drink much, but he decided at a point where it was too much and he walked off somewhere. So I got all ‘aw he’s pissed at me. Lets drink some more’ and neeraj was with me at the time so we went to go find more drinks muahahah
Poor neeraj, couldn’t walk or even stand after two drinks. Hahaha XD
But yeshum after some more drinks…and some more sips..and some more drinks and a bit of lemonade and midori and a LOT of toilet trips to the wee little port-a-loo (which had barf in the sink, it was so icky coz the sink was really shallow too) Jason dragged me away to the car where he forced me to sleep
And lena was forced to exercise to work off her alco too because she was gonna be driving later that night. Lol it was very interesting *nod*
Jason forgave me, hurray! And dinh was less upset by the time lena was able to run in a straight line. And I’m sorry for PDA-ing in your car and making out lena, but those little fucks with torches decided to shine them at the car. Charming to come into school on Monday morning to people saying ‘OMG leanne was making out in someone’s car’ (… I see you have no life, I’m sure you make out too so get fucked.)
Then we left for max’s house! We got there crashed and almost instantly decided to hit the hay and just go sleep. But all of us did a lot more than just sleep…
Then comes Sunday morning 7am, we did not sleep in, we did a little more than just sleep in too…
Then comes Sunday morning 10am, eggs and bacon on toast for breakfast. Max is so pro at cooking eggs and bacon; he lives on the stuff, really. And the guys sit at the table, girls on the floor while the guys discuss their sexual exploits the night before
‘Dude I was gonna ask you for a condom but I was like…nahhh’
‘really? I had like five right here’
Yeah you can imagine. Only at the time it was hilariously funny.
Then after some bumming around and doing nothing until 12 me and lena headed home… she drove me to her place where we fell asleep for another 2 hours or so before I actually did head home.
But hey, nice night out. I was expecting to sleep that night actually, but one thing led to another and there we go. But it was still really fun. Yay for Halloween!
Well I’m off now, gotta shower and sit on my butt or something.
Ciao! ♥