Saturday, November 14, 2009


Howdy all! How are we this awesome fine Saturday morning/afternoon-ish? Lol
Wow I haven’t been blogging in a while haven’t i? well I shall recap whats happened so far in the past…uhh.. 2 weeks? :D

Birthdays birthdays birthdays!
Mine, alex’s and max’s! happy birthday alex & max have an awesome 17th LOL

And exams! Which are actually all officially over by now! (considering today is Saturday and exams finished yesterday) HURRAH

And now the year 12s are heading straight on down to their last week of high school EVER woooooo I’m so excited! :D

On Monday is gonna be that terrible little viet exam and a normal school day + night of celebration that evening

Tuesday is year 12’s retreat day where we head off to some camp someplace far away to ‘reflect on our schooling years’

Wednesday is a normal school day + valedictory dinner that evening

Thursday is trip to dreamworld! WOOHOO so excited!

And Friday is official give-out-SAIs and graduation day! Wooooooo I can’t wait to get out there into the big wide world!

And did I tell you dear blog? I’m gonna go find a job soon! A job… somewhere possibly Frat House (YES ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH BABY HAHAA) or a BUBBLE TEA STORE in the middle of nowhere :D (not really nowhere but meh)

Yayyy I’m so excited! This week is going to be AWESOME! I’ll blog it as I go and all the happy la la events that happen along the way! Well I’m off for now!

Have a good weekend!
Ciao bella! ♥

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