Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oh hai guys!

^ I prefer saying fush as opposed to fish. I don't understand why. I also haven't played maplestory in a long long time now.

Oh hai guys. Guess what? I went over my phone bill again. This is ass.

Other than that, the floods in Queensland have receded! Hurray! You know what that means? CLEAN UP TIME. Mud and gunk everywhere, its going to be so fun.

One of my good friends Paris has organised a group clean up in the Brisbane CBD on Monday and me and Nhu will be helping out and it shall be super helpful and super fun! Yay! Cleaning mud out of buildings is going to the BEST. Not really, but its good to help out rather than sit on my ass and watch movies all the time :D

And since my internet data has increased from 50GBs to 1TB (holy shit, I know), this whole entire holiday I’ve spent using up the internet HEAPS. I’ve been downloading countless series of anime, my favourite manga series (38 volumes long D:) and movies. Lots of movies. I’ve rekindled my love for movie watching!

Back then I used to be such a noob. And I’d NEVER watch a movie. but lately movies are so epic. They’re like a story told in two hours. And its epic!

So far I’ve downloaded the pirates of the Caribbean series, transformers series, she’s the man, ella enchanted, spirited away, my neighbour totoro – just to mention a few.

Ahhhhh… and I hardly ever watch TV either. Like never. But within two days my ass is going to be seated in front of the television for extended periods.


Roger Federer is the bomb. Nadal sucks.
I shall outline why Roger Federer is so mindblowingly awesome and why Nadal is not.

Roger Federer – so much awesome, he’s got his own shoes embroidered with his initials, a clothing line with Nike with the label ‘RF’ on it, good sportsmanship, he’s super fit for a man in his 40s and he’s just so damn awesome.

Nadal isn’t as awesome as Federer because he picks his wedgies on national television while the camera is focused on his butt, he does not have good sportsmanship (did you see 2010’s Aus Open? He lost a match to Federer and threw his racket on the ground and it broke and demanded the ball boy bring him another one) and he’s just plain gay with his fluoro coloured sweatbands.

And thus, I conclude my argument and will proceed to roll in bed.


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