That's totally me right now. On the internet.
Okay, so I finished my last exam earlier this week and it's been about five days now and as far as I can recall... I've been sleeping approximately twelve hours a day, taking naps in the afternoon sometimes and I have been doing nothing.
I have no job.
I am not doing anything.
My mother is driving me nuts because I do nothing around the house (ie. do womanly cleaning and tidying things other than playing tekken and watching Friends all day).
And... two of my friends went to Harbourtown and shopped at Oroton today. I know right? Drive like an hour away, go shopping, come home with loot, their day is awesome.
What am I doing?
'Oh hello Mother, I'll just leave you alone... in the kitchen... Oh you want me to help you? I'm sorry but I'm kinda -internet-'
I had plans to exercise, read books and organise things but I haven't gotten around to it because I've been too busy on youtube, the cute little apps on my iPhone and trolling the interwebs.
I'm thinking of buying a chapter of Gala Darling's Love and Sequins... Just to put some sparkle and motivation back into... well.. what's left of me that hasn't rotted away yet... Ha.
Oh and I made pasta the other day. I have plans to make many cupcakes, cakes and other baked goods this holiday! (If I can bring myself to get out of bed before midday, that is.)