Wednesday, May 16, 2012


So I have really bad luck with parking. Really bad luck.

I drove to a train station near home yesterday to get to uni, but despite the massive parking lot they had, there weren't any parking spots. So I drove to the next station down the line, still no parking and even if I had found a parking spot, I would have missed the train anyway. So I ended up driving all the way to uni like I usually do.

Driving around for a good 15 minutes and (finally) found a parking spot. You've no idea how ecstatic I was until I was going to the meter to pay. And then.. the sudden realisation I didn't have any change on me. Oh god. I HAD to get to this class, it was so important.

-a wild kind lady appears-

She doesn't have spare change for a $20 note and gives me $5 to pay for my parking. Oh my goodness.

'Next time you can help out someone else in your situation'

Where does this good karma come from. I hope she had an awesome day + awesome forever. Some people can be so amazing. I am so grateful.

This isn't the first time this has happened either. There was a kind girl who gave me $3 to pay for my parking before and showed me how to use the parking meter the first time I drove to uni. The drive was frightening because I have never driven so far into the city before and I was just distraught. She took a load off me and I wish I could thank you both again but I hope good karma goes your way.

Thank you oh so very much!

You've taught me a good life lesson. Always be kind.
Everyone has their problems and everyone is going through something different. Whether they've had a bad day or not, everyone has their own story. A little kindness goes a long way and I want to better myself by showing a little bit of kindness wherever I can.

#end mushy cheesy post

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