Wednesday, May 8, 2013

yo ho yo ho it's off to work we go


I have a cold. And it's really bad. And I hate myself. I need money, but I've taken the day off work tomorrow which should give me extra time to work on my assignment. But obviously that's not gonna work out if I keep hacking up phlegm and blowing my nose as loudly as an air horn would sound right next to your ear.

I've been drinking about five pots of tea per day, new personal best if I do say so myself. Even though I'm terribly sucky at researching and writing my assignment I did manage to drag my ass outside today though. Clad in gross sweatpants and an old shirt, I did some grocery shopping and stocked up on nutella, honey-centred throat lozenges, some lasagne and ice cream and managed to go and rent more movies despite the fact that I have deadlines right up my ass.

Yesterday le boyfriend came over, and brought me cake and made me lukewarm tea. And then we rolled around in bed and watched movies and played repetitive games on the iPad. What a nice guy, but I managed to make him sick. You go, Leanne. It's like that Pandemic game all over again, only except my disease is actually catching on.

Anyhow, I'm gonna go drink some more tea and roll around in bed and play games like see-how-high-you-can-get-your-fever and tomorrow morning I plan on crying myself to death over the fact that I've missed work and losing out on money. sadface.

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