Monday, July 29, 2013

When pissed, make a blog post about it

I dunno if this happens to the rest of you students out there who use a printer in their daily life for printing useless shit for school or uni, but this happens to me so frequently whenever I use my god damn printer. Excuse my language.

My printer loves to fuck up right when it's needed most. Last semester when my final assignment was due and I was celebrating the completion of the last assignment of the semester, my printer decides to fuck up.

Real bad.

Luckily for me, I finished the assignment several days before it was due but unfortunately it's never enough for this scumbag piece of technology that I call my printer. I printed the document, half way through it spits out the printed pages and then eats it back up again, consuming half of the document back into its abyss of rotating wheels and ink. The printer is jammed and it tells me to remove the paper jam and press OK. But it's stuck. And I can't get it out and after a good few hours I give up and call my friend to ask if I can hijack her printer.

Thankfully, Canon printers are more reliable than HP ones. Fuck you, HP.

By the time I get back from telling the mythical story of the jammed printer, my mums managed to get the printer working and fix the paper jam. This is what mothers are for, and I am grateful.

And today is the second week of the second semester of 2013, I need to print my tutorial notes for tomorrows class and guess what? The printer fucks up. Stupid thing. I'm ready to trade it in for a Canon now.

I fretted about not having enough paper, but sure enough, there was three reams of A4 paper left in the office. The printer does its thing, and then eats my tutorial notes. You've no idea how pissed I got but I did manage to fix it and then printed it away happily, watching the printer with eagle eyes and then it tells me that I've run out of ink.

Fucking damn it all.

Printer 2
Leanne 0