Thursday, May 6, 2010

fabulous break before the all nighters? yes, please.

Hey all!

Why has my blogging habits dropped this year aye? Uni starting and all and i’m starting to get super lazy haha

Well just recapping whats been happening in the past few weeks

Especially that super fun weekend where i skipped my studying duties and ran off with the family to go fishing and send off aunt’s mother to farm to work!

We stopped by Wivenhoe dam to have a little picnic and basically just spend quality time together before pulling out the fishing rods and managing to catch one tiny little fish hahaha but it was still fun because we all got to hang out and take lots of pictures! They’re on dads sony camera though..not mine so i can’t really access them to upload.. but i’ll try to when i get my hands on that camera (because i already stole the cable for it, wahahaha)

That day i managed to read a few pages out of my management textbook and basically ate cookies and other little tid bits all day. Oh and i did also learn how to hold a fish! I didn’t catch anything, so i couldn’t release anything. But dad did and he let me do it (:

Then on the next day i woke up very early to go over to alex’s house at precisely 7.45am (of which i turned up late to anyway) and drove to nhu’s house to welcome/kidnap her away to somewhere special for her 18th birthday! It was a great day~ we picked her up (nhu thought we were going to go hiking), drove her to coopers plains train station and waited for a train where loc and Daniel and Jason even though Jason didn’t show up and ended up taking a taxi ($20 worth) to the next train station to hop onto the same train (oh dear me)

Headed out to the beach where we threw each other into the water countless times, then made a penis sandcastle and took photos and then hit the water again then hiked up to a picnic bench outside and ate cake, cupcakes, cookies and egg sandwhiches with apple juice and talking about nothing in general. We then headed to infinity where we screamed in the black and hairy rooms and ooh and ahhed in the techno laser lights and the seizure themed room with the gym balls hahahah

Then we basically hit the timezone where everyone ran out of energy and simply just died and walked around playing games lethargically hahaha

We then headed home where alex misread the bus times and took a train to Helensvale instead of Nerang and went home from there where i went to the Buddha fest with jasonface and watched akaHash play live and watch the fireworks before splashing around in the fake beach and heading home

Overall that weekend was just so uber :D
I love having a social life

Too bad i don’t have one now coz assessments are eating at me everywhere. But i will lighten up as i get to see haiyen and aivan tomorrow morning! It was haiyens birthday not so long ago and avian got her a watch and i’ll be pitching in with aivan for it! I can’t wait!

Well have fun and enjoy your fabulous TGIF and weekend folks! Ciao!

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