Friday, June 4, 2010

plain white rice (without the pikachu & the sesame seeds)

Mkays this really dumb and blablah and idontreallycarewhatyouthink but i was thinking about this other night while reading around blogs like the psyche of mikey and galadarling and all them really cool people who have like billions of readers

And if you really think about it these people have interesting lives to write about. They share their insights, attitudes, feelings, perceptions, the way they love the world, hate the world, everything you know?

Like take galadarling, she’s wonderful. She teaches people to love who they are, teaches people to ‘write love letters to the universe’ and likes to talk about the things that she loves on Thursdays.

Or mikey, who talks about his sudden change of moving from hong kong to the UK and kinda just reflects on whats happening. I mean thats a big change and you’ve got something to share.
Call me shallow and stupid, but i have nothing to write about.

All of a sudden life is pretty normal and nothing drastic ever happens anymore. The most stressful thats happened to me lately is uni and the craploads of work i have to do (of which i am procrastinating right now haha) and going out once in a while but even thats mediocre to talk about sometimes because its always the same things, same place. I mean.. its still lots of fun with friends and stuff, but this blogging thing doesn’t really have a goal, writing is harder than i thought – or writing something interesting at least.

Nothing really ever blows your mind anymore. So you can’t really write about it...
But maybe its coz of age... like when you were little and everything fascinated you... and then you grew up. Someone told me once that feeling of when you’re all grown up and bored with life is kind of like the ‘mid life crisis’ of your teenage years.

All of a sudden you grow up and everyone tells you who have to be and what you have to do and nothing fun never really matters anymore. Is this what makes people seem uninteresting? Or am i just talking too much and becoming uninteresting? Or maybe i’m just plain uninteresting to begin with?

So now i’m crapping on about how uninteresting i am and how much of a normal and boring life i have... so what makes life interesting and full of love and excitement? Maybe its having a passion for something; like photography, drawing, painting, writing – you know, doing stuff you really, truly love.

I know friends who have hobbies and things they really love. Like knitting, painting, drawing, cosplaying, sewing, modelling, studying mechanics... and then there are people who are just damn amazing. They’re intelligent, kind, helpful, caring, like.. hell i don’t even wanna describe all that because it’ll just blow your mind.

Bottom line is – i feel plain. Like white rice.

Not soggy rice. Not rice thats been dipped in soy sauce. No toppings. No cutesy shape. No pikachu. Just plain white rice in a silly little asian bowl

Yeah, my analogy sucks but I FEEL LIKE PLAIN WHITE RICE AND I HATE EATING RICE (unless its in sushi..mmm...sushi....)

I’m off, i feel hungry now
BYYYYE ciao :)

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