So like, Saturday night we had a party yeah? A conjoint 18th birthday party at alex’s place where we raved and ate BBQ foods and stuff like that. It was pretty awesome. We hung out, played with sparklers (I failed lighting them), lots of food, groupies of the coolest people ever (sadly, not all my favourite people were there) and lots of ‘HEY, HOWS IT GOING, HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN FOREVERRRAHHH’ and it was pretty damn awesome.
I got to Alex’s place pretty early, and met Kelly and Lou and we all bummed around helping here and there where we could and Lou did Alex’s makeup and straightened her hair. Then later, I was targeted by them both and got my hair curled for no apparent reason.
After that people started arriving and it was pretty coooooool to meet everyone again. We talked about our battle scars and such long lost memories for a long time. Then there was the food and cake and sparklers.
Then after that we bummed sipping our alcohol-free beverages, and put on our fancy shoes (No, we didn’t throw them at each other, but it would’ve been awesome if we did) and started heading out to the bus to hit up the Met in the Valley.
An hour on the bus and meeting into a bunch of chicks who could sing ‘Hakuna Matata’ and causing an uproar of horrible vocals from our group, we finally reached our destination. Strutting around the city looking for a bus to the valley, we finally arrived at our FINAL destination.
Then more strutting around the crowded streets of the valley, we headed to the Met where bouncers were standing around outside checking our faces on our IDs and making sure we paid the $15 entry fee….
The music was loud, the people were loud, throats became sore throughout the night, drinks were passed around (and expensive, rip off drinks too, might I add). After a drink, we all headed to the Dragon Room and just danced for pretty much two, almost three, hours straight.
After another drink (or two, or three in some cases), some waist groping (thankfully, no ass groping), a few random ‘hello’s, bumping in strangers, stepping on peoples feet, the euphoria on the dance floor was so epic. The lights, music and alcohol really gets to you.
I can understand why people love going clubbing so much. But the pain in my feet and the spinning in my head wanted me home. So we all headed off at 2am, arrived home at about 4am.
Stumbling into the home, the parents were asleep.
The next morning, the questions came rolling in.
Did you drink? What did you drink? How many drinks did you have? Who went? Were there any boys? Was it fun? Did you dance?
So many questions they asked, and such horrible looking eyes I saw in the mirror! (I didn’t remove the mascara before going to bed.)
Chyeah it was a good night.
And also, today went to centrelink, city with Nando, and came home and did more centrelink form filling out crap. Man, it was boring and lame as and made me want to die.
But seeing Yo today was really cool. I mean, how many times do you get to run into your twin in the city, no? He says he’s gonna drag me to KK, that super asian twin of mine… I’m so not going to fit in. I’m too much of a loser!
Anyhow, I’m going to go to bed soon, its midnight and I have Jason's formal to attend to tomorrow….
Hair & make up, I have much to sort out before I go to bed actually… Another late night… oh dear….
Reminds me of my formal… forced smiles are horrible.
See you soon people, I hope I don’t suicide from over exposure to centrelink and make up.
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