Friday, November 12, 2010

upon completion of my first year at uni

^Balloons received on my 16th birthday. The picture on the purple balloon is a diagram of Dinh patting me. Haha.
We used to have a little contest in school, whenever we saw each other the person who patted the other first would win. And we'd sometimes get really competitive about who won hahaha

Well now that exams are officially over, I’m ecstatic! And also miserable, too, but hey you can’t have everything.

But I have now completed my first year at university. My god, how time flies. And now it’s already the holidays!

I have many plans for the following weeks and its going to be so exciting if mum lets me out and actually lets me do the things that I want/plan to do over these coming holidays.

First things first! TODAY. Zomg, I had my stats exam today and it was so not fun…. Gave me the hugest headache in the world and I literally could not see the words on the paper in front of me. Thank god I brought my glasses though, but my brain hurt so so much. But I finished the paper in the end…. It was awfully complicated for a few measly calculations… but rah, I wish I could punch the exam paper in the face (if it had one).

Then later met up with Paris, Amanda and Nhu after my exam and we all crashed and went to BWS to buy Tom some JDs as his birthday gift. Then after that we went to go eat sushi and the guys got bored waiting at the guild bar for ages so then we all met up and went to play tekken and waste our lives (and money) on violence.

And then after much tekken time, we finally went to coles to buy meat/steak/salads for the BBQ later at Zach’s place but turns out we were all heading to southbank for the BBQ instead so meh. All the BBQ places were taken so we just walked around and splashed about in the kiddy pools for a while before we settled down onto some grass and literally did nothing but throw slices of bread at each other.

It sucks coz I had to leave before anything fun happened because the mother expected me home early – or risk my chances of going out tomorrow night… but yush, it was sad to leave.
Aaaaaaand tomorrow is Tom’s 19th hurray!

I think it’s time for bed now… I’m exhausted…

I have many quiches to bake tomorrow and a lot of sleep to catch up on… I wish I had better time management, so then I could fit in sleep and study at the same time but alas, I cannot. And therefore stay up until the early hours of the morning for no good reason at all.

Well, goodnight. Ciao.

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