Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Rumours are going around that I’m a total bitchy, shitfaced slut or something of the like. And apparently, I’m going around sleeping with every guy I know.
I’m hated because this girl likes the guy I’m dating. And she hates my face because a) she likes him and I have him and b) I’m a slut (apparently).
But they don’t know shit about me. So they can shove it up their asses and I’m gonna live my life the way I want to.
In other news, uni is going to start soon. I don’t really want to start studying again. I want to roll in bed and never wake up.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The suppressed loneliness of every character, burdened with grief of one kind or another. I love all the hope and patience, Amelies’ kindness and thoughtfulness towards those around her. I love the imagination and I love it when you hear of peoples’ stories and how they cope. But most of all, I love the silence.
To me, the movie is very sensual but distant. And in some parts of the movie, as strange as it was, I felt afraid.
I must be weird. But I really really really like this movie.
Page 259
Now I can keep to myself, and you can keep to your bullshit.
Run from no one and hide from nothing.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
A note of awesome!
If you ask me, thats kinda awesome.
I don't even know if I have any readers, but I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have any. I am dull and boring!
But I've had people from all over the world stumble on this little diary of mine.
People from Australia, the United States, Russia, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Ukraine, South Korea, Belguin & Denmark! Isn't it amazing?
I've also hit over 1, 000 page views!
Epic! So I thank you, dear people of the world wide web for listening to my silly issues because it has helped me greatly :)
Oh hai guys!
Oh hai guys. Guess what? I went over my phone bill again. This is ass.
Other than that, the floods in Queensland have receded! Hurray! You know what that means? CLEAN UP TIME. Mud and gunk everywhere, its going to be so fun.
One of my good friends Paris has organised a group clean up in the Brisbane CBD on Monday and me and Nhu will be helping out and it shall be super helpful and super fun! Yay! Cleaning mud out of buildings is going to the BEST. Not really, but its good to help out rather than sit on my ass and watch movies all the time :D
And since my internet data has increased from 50GBs to 1TB (holy shit, I know), this whole entire holiday I’ve spent using up the internet HEAPS. I’ve been downloading countless series of anime, my favourite manga series (38 volumes long D:) and movies. Lots of movies. I’ve rekindled my love for movie watching!
Back then I used to be such a noob. And I’d NEVER watch a movie. but lately movies are so epic. They’re like a story told in two hours. And its epic!
So far I’ve downloaded the pirates of the Caribbean series, transformers series, she’s the man, ella enchanted, spirited away, my neighbour totoro – just to mention a few.
Ahhhhh… and I hardly ever watch TV either. Like never. But within two days my ass is going to be seated in front of the television for extended periods.
Roger Federer is the bomb. Nadal sucks.
I shall outline why Roger Federer is so mindblowingly awesome and why Nadal is not.
Roger Federer – so much awesome, he’s got his own shoes embroidered with his initials, a clothing line with Nike with the label ‘RF’ on it, good sportsmanship, he’s super fit for a man in his 40s and he’s just so damn awesome.
Nadal isn’t as awesome as Federer because he picks his wedgies on national television while the camera is focused on his butt, he does not have good sportsmanship (did you see 2010’s Aus Open? He lost a match to Federer and threw his racket on the ground and it broke and demanded the ball boy bring him another one) and he’s just plain gay with his fluoro coloured sweatbands.
And thus, I conclude my argument and will proceed to roll in bed.
Friday, January 14, 2011
But as I was just laying about in bed just a moment ago, I was thinking about the consequences of this flooding that’s going on in Queensland right about now. How many homes and lives that were lost.
And I thought, what if I went out there to see the floods and its damage? I know I’m exaggerating but if all of a sudden a huge tsunami came in out of nowhere and drifted everyone away?
But this isn’t about me. No.
It makes me think how fragile a human life is. One can be beaten, bruised and bled; but there is only so much one can bear. In a lifetime, a person will suffer – albeit, one’s suffering might not be the exact or even similar of the next persons suffering. But it’s tragic to know that as tolerant as a being may be, it can still be broken.
I can’t even begin to imagine if someone I held close were to lose their life. No, not even close… anybody. I can’t even begin to fathom the hardships I’d have to bear if I knew someone were to pass away.
If I know anything about myself, it’s that I don’t handle death very well. I may hold it at an arm’s length, but in truth if I were to ever face a situation similar to that I know I will surely be at an emotional loss.
I consider myself very lucky. Few people in my life have passed away, and those few may not even be directly associated with me or I have kept very rare contact with, if at all.
The first ever funeral I ever attended was when I was a young, I don’t remember what exact age. But it was the passing of the grandfather of a family that was very close to ours. I never spoke to this man, nor do I remember his face. As far as I knew at the time, he had two daughters and four granddaughters, two of these granddaughters were of my age or older.
Every year around chinese new year our family would visit theirs for dinner and share past memories. But then one year, the grandfather of the house passed away. The funeral was held somewhere where there were was lots of land and few trees.
It was very far away, the adults made and brought his favourite foods as offerings. The procession took a long time but I had no clue what was going on. Until they brought out the casket and lowered him into the ground.
I remember being very sad.
I also remember speaking to a good friend a long time ago, he told me that sometimes children are the most cruel creatures of all.
And in this sense he was right. His two older granddaughters were complaining that they were tired, bored and wanted to go home. It was unjust on their part to have such behaviour. I think that is the main reason I was sad that day.
Then there was a good friend of my father.
He died of cancer in the hospital. Our families used to go fishing together. His wife and my mother were also good friends and they’d always bring along pots, chopping boards and knives. Readying the fish that was freshly caught and brought in to make soup. They’d bring rice and a mat and bowls and chopsticks. We would fish until the morning. It’s a shame this only ever happened once.
I asked mother one day I if I could visit him in the hospital. But she said he was too sickly for me to visit and I’d be rather upset.
He passed away not so long after. I didn’t attend his funeral.
Then there was Mr Luu. A valued teacher at my Vietnamese school I used to attend. He was a nice man. Helping out with the tuckshop where he needed and did extra tutoring for the Vietnamese students and also worked for the primary school that I attended.
I was hopeless at counting money. It was he who was patient enough to teach me to count money. He was a good friend of grandfathers and he was grateful for helping me learn. Back then grandfather would lose patience for I was slow to learn how to count.
He, too, also died from cancer. And I didn’t attend his funeral either.
Then there was the old lady. I don’t know her name, but I’ve been told that she was friends with my mother when mother was young. When I was born, I was given a gift. The only gift I ever received from this woman. It was a mirror. A round mirror with padded material with prints of flowers and vines on it and surrounded by some pretty lace. Mum keeps that mirror in the drawer next to her bed.
I went to visit her when she was sick in the hospital. I had no idea who she was. But she was so thin and frail. Looking at her scared me a little so I fiddled with the pokemon that was hanging off my wallet at the time.
She passed away a few days later. I didn’t attend her funeral.
Then there was Jason’s friend. I don’t know this person, but his story breaks my heart.
He was stabbed several times, in the back and legs, while he was out with his girlfriend. He was hospitalized and unconscious for a few days. He passed away soon afterwards. The day after he passed away was raining and storming.
Shortly after his passing, his girlfriend committed suicide. Jason will not tell me how she suicided.
I don’t know of any of the details of their funerals, nor do I know these people to share my condolences with.
I apologize for such a miserable train of thought.
Goodnight everyone.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
it's raining hard D:
^A picture of me in all my glory.
Okay I know I haven’t been writing since like .. the dawn of age or something ridiculous like that.
And I apologize so I’m gonna sit on my ass for the next say… hour or so and totally recount EVERYTHING. But I’m sure you’ll die from severe boredom by the time I finish. So I guess I’ll just do it in small parts (because I know I’d die from reading too much bullshit too)
When was the last time I blogged precisely? I really need to start blogging again. Blogging about nothingness made me happy that I had nothing to share with the world. And really I have nothing to share with the world. No joke. My family complains that all I do is sit on the laptop all day. I eat in my room. I leave my room to make myself a pot of tea, or pee, or occasionally eat dinner with the family or when I’m going out. I do not leave my room.
I do not know why.
I’m a hermit maybe. Harr harr
Me and my goldfish. We’re a team, we need no one else!
And so it is at this table where I spew my bullshit and infect the world wide web with my bullshit. I hope it didn’t leave a stain on the world as it is. But who would notice? Bah.
Well.. as for blogging I think I’ll blog about whats going on lately first of all. Because theres nothing like the present right?
Well, I live in Queensland (Australia) and its been raining here nonstop for quite a long time now. And I remember coming back from my holiday to Sydney and Melbourne thinking ‘oh good, its raining, I love the rain, I’ll sleep in everyday it rains’
And I think I may or may not have jinxed it because its been basically raining non stop! So much that many areas of Queensland have flooded. As far as I know there have been 59 cases of missing people, 9 dead. Apparently, people are expecting 16,000 houses to be flooded by this Thursday. They say the flood will peak this Thursday (in two days time) and on the 21st of January. And that this flood will peak the record levels of the floods in 1974. Interesting isn’t it?
Well, I sort of live on a hill, and I really do hope that’ll save my sorry ass. Because I can’t really swim. The best I can do is doggy paddle… and I’m sure the currents can just carry me away and no one will save me. Just like that four year old boy.
It was a really sad story too… the boy was in a rescue raft and fell out somehow and later on they found the poor boy’s dead body. Tragic…
I really do hope these floods end soon. My friend is stuck in a hotel at the beach and have left her cat and two dogs at home and the neighbours are feeding them for her. Another friend and his father have evacuated their beautiful apartment home. My grandfather is left in his home by himself. Yeah, I do wish the rains would stop now.
But other than that, everything has been alright.
I hear the electricity company’s are shutting down power from 7am tomorrow morning, and in Brisbane CBD tonight at 11pm. This is crazy. My university’s closed as well. Southbank parklands have flooded to the point where the river has reached ground level.
Freaky isn’t it?
Ehh… well I guess I’ll head off now. I’ll blog about the details of my trip to Sydney and Melbourne another night. Or maybe later tonight if I’m bothered enough to do it. I’ve been staying up a lot lately, and I just can’t sleep. I don’t know why, and I sleep in until midday. Literally.
Old uni habits are resurfacing. Its like my sleep cycle knows that uni is about to start again…
Well anyway, ciao everyone!