Guess what? I'm having a bit of a miserable day. And yet there is still thirty minutes left in the day, who knows what will happen in the last half hour? Maybe the grudge and the ring will team up and come and eat me alive. Then I'll scream in agony and horror and die a gruesome death.
And for my funeral, we'll have a quick cremation and some cake and sad stories to tell afterwards. And people will say things like 'Oh that girl, she was always such a loser and so chronically addicted to the internet.'
It's late and my imagination is running a bit wild, probably the reason why I have such crazy dreams every now and then.
Anyway, yeah, like I was saying. I'm having a bit of a miserable day. Was meant to see a particular someone tomorrow and have a totally fantastic day just hanging out. But then our schedules were interrupted by horrible bickering parents. He is forced to work, and I am forced to clean the fridge.
That, and I have an extremely overdue and expensive phone bill to pay. And I have a ridiculously messy room to clean. And I know I was supposed to put up a post about my epic super room clean - but seriously guys, you've no idea.
It's crazy hectic! There are giant messes everywhere - stationery thrown about, plush animals rolling off my bed, thousand piece puzzles ruined and scattered, piles and piles of books in stacks everywhere.
It's been about two weeks now, and I'm still not around to finishing cleaning this (and our house will have visiting guests as of tomorrow!) so I need to finish all this by tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to manage.
And so much to do in the final weeks before I leave. Did I mention I'm leaving? Leaving as in travelling. To Singapore and Vietnam! I'm looking forward to seeing Singapore! As for Vietnam... I don't really want to go. Vietnam kinda smells and its really dusty. Sometimes the people are rude and traffic is horrid. And I simply can't stand too much family bonding... I know it's meant to be like 'omg family, this is so awesome that we get to hang out because we haven't seen each other for years' but seriously, I've grown into a hermit. And I need my hermit space, people!
And I really want to bring the fancypants SLR camera with me to Vietnam to take pictures too, but everyone is starting to freak me out with their 'they'll kill you if they find you have expensive things/lots of money on you'
I know it sounds totally ridiculous right? But I've heard stories (mostly from my mother, because she's super paranoid and a naturally grew up in the god damn country) that some people will actually kidnap/hurt people who 'seem' wealthy.
But I dunno, whatever. Still freaks me out with her stories though. I wanted to share some here but now that I think about it, it's kind of gruesome.
I've forgotten what the point of this post was...
Have a picture of me and my piggy back buddy.
I'm getting sleepy now, so it's bed time for me. Goodnight everyone!
Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day.
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