Saturday, August 30, 2008

oh my alah

ohmygosh, i've spent most of today sleeping and trying to study for my religious values exam coming up two days on monday, its on...hmm..judaism? [i dont even know what i'm studying] but i'm going for it.. and argh did you know there are SO MANY confusing terms upon the subject of 'judaism' and tends to be mistaken for 'israelism'? well that probably just me
'alah' is a term used to define the most overpoweringly powerful god in israelism, since its a monotheist religion [monotheist means you believe in one god]

and oh goodness, is it confusing or what? but i'm making good progress for someone who procrastinates a lot more than the average ._.

but thats what i've been doing lately, nothing muchh, not really looking forward to exams soon, they're next week friday...and i'm so screwed coz i dont think i'll be able to retain as much info on the exam as i'd like
great i'm gonna fail everything.

lovely, normally i'm a good student, most of the time, its just this time exams are just plain gay. nothing more, gay. and is there any relevant way of studying so that you remember more stuff? i know everyone studies and retains info differently, but what is my way of retaining info? how do you figure that out? its pretty confusing this type of stuff... what do they call it?

"self discovery"?

well self discovery is pretty trippy and i dont quite like it, although when you realise something about yourself it makes you feel better, but there are probably loads of people out there who know everything about themselves already and are looking for someone else to share that with, whereas, here i am - not a clue in the world about who i am

pretty sucky if you ask me, i wish i knew more, maybe this whole 'not knowing who i am' thing gives me a disadvantage about retaining info for studying too, so i'm a failure

thats great, awesome, i'm a failure.

*positive thought* it can only get better.

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