Monday, May 11, 2009


i absolutely love this movie.
I DONT LIKE CHICKFLICKS. but this movie is an exception, its so...lovely.
mmm... lots of concepts in it. like death, failure, success, happiness, temporary relationships, love, break ups etc
the list goes on
but i love this movie.
but other than that! and aj made a list called ..oh i've forgotten
but it was something like 'why boys suck'
or something like that... but it was a big A4 sized list why boys suck
stuff like 'they're HOMOFUCKINGSEXUAL', 'they break your heart', 'they either break promises or never make any' and such :]
it was amusinnnnnnnnng!
but other than that the day sucked coz everyone was all 'RAHHR' over the chem EEI and we all know how much EEIs suck...
and yes.. :]
nothing much of a day, goodnight :]
i am noob, muahaha.

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