i miss you already.
what a shitty day. got into a fight with mum, didn't get to see jason at the city, didn't study, jasons dad yelled at him and told him to stop calling me
it wont stop me from calling him, and it wont stop us from seeing each other
but even so, i still miss him.
why do parents always get in the way of things that you want? they would understand because they were our age once too weren't they? but can't they be a little more loose with us? all we wanted to do was spend time with each other.
and i know it happens in every single relationship out there, and im sure other people out there have made it through their shitty problems too
and its okay because its only been two weeks, its gone no where yet. there will be problems, for sure. a relationship wouldn't be a relationship without them, but for now i will enjoy what i have and let whatever happen - happen later.
What am i doing?
I'm totally smitten.
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