Sunday, October 23, 2011

Super belated things I love Thursday

As promised this is the huge ass mega super duper things I love thursday bonanza!
My phone decided it wasn't going to revert back to stock functions and kept all my previous files so I was HAPPY. I was freaking out because I thought I would have to get back all my contacts and I was all 'NOOOOOOOO... THAT WOULD MEAN I HAVE TO LOG ONTO FACEBOOK TO CONTACT EVERYONE. GAAAAAAAY.'

Such thus, I have my final TiLT list! Finally!

Also, I should be blogging more often from now on as I have more of a social life! (More of, not necessarily an actual social life haha)

Things that have made me grateful these past billion weeks:

♥ Friday night dates ♥ tea, scones and cake! ♥ taro milk & oolong bubble tea ♥ Folio bookstore ♥ all nighter at uni... ♥ eggs salmon hollandaise ♥ converting friends into bronies :D ♥ Jason being chased by children at the kiddy pools (haha it was so funny because I egged on the kids to splash water all over Jason in his restaurant uniform and then the kids chased him all around the pool... and then of course, they splashed me too. Those sneaky kids..!) ♥ competitive air hockey ♥ spending a day shopping with mum ♥ new shoes and a new pony playset! Yay Cheerilee! ♥ rolling around in the grass with Jasonface ♥ Sizzlers ♥ shopping with Jess ♥ Pool and karaoke with Chan, Cindy, Jess, Tim & Jason after we ran into them at Target of all places ♥ Makeup portfolio photoshoot & Korean BBQ ♥ Second anniversary ♥

As you can see, I've been somewhat sociable lately since all my assessments are over. But I still have exams to go... Oh dear.

I shall keep this blog updated in the future. Much to write about methinks. Second anniversary with Jasonface and the makeup portfolio photoshoot!

I guarantee the next few posts are going to be very photo-heavy. I took like.. 550 photos everyday for the past few days ._.

Chan and her boy toys :3

Jason pulled off an awesome brooding look... reminds me of L from deathnote.
(Gahh... L... -swoon-)

Jason's gift for our second anniversary!
With me being terribly broke all the time I ended up painting him a Rainbow Dash canvas :)
It was so much fun to paint, but so painstakingly difficult to get it all right...
I'll post the finished product later on :D

Now it is time for me to go watch One Piece and study for the upcoming exams -dies-

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