Tuesday, February 28, 2012

19th Birthday

Yeah, this was ages ago but who cares. I haven't blogged about it but whatever. 
Didn't do too much on my nineteenth, went on a picnic with the (now) ex. Complete with sandwiches, juice, tea, watermelon and a bunch of stuffed animals. Just because.

(This blog post is going to be really lazy by the way, so here a load of pictures.)

And then headed to the uni library afterwards to study. No studying was done, and we ended up playing hangman. It was such a miserable game that we had to give the hangman a face and balls so we could get another few turns to guess the right letters. Epic fail. 
 Looks like a primary school kids handwriting hahaha

And then several weeks later, the BEST friends EVER arranged a dinner at a buffet Japanese BBQ restaurant. The food was so good. I want to go back there again, but I'm afraid I won't be able to finish everything D:

Bwahahaha, everyone was being SO polite and instead of fighting over the meat we were all offering the meat to each other before serving ourselves haha



And of course, you couldn't end a night out without karaoke :)

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