Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy horror movie fun times

 So like, AGES ago, my friend Kerming proposed that we should have a horror movie night and a pool party sort of thing. It ended up sort of a horror movie/pool/pictionary/rave party at Kermings basically. But does it matter? It was super duper fun and we all went totally crazy. We all wanted to go clubbing afterwards, but realised we were all broke and not dressed for the occasion. failwhale ahhaha

These guys. This photo is just for me, they said. bahahaha

Mind you, the night before Kerming's little BBQ horror movie rave party I was at a club until almost 6am. You can still see the horrid eyeliner and the bags under my eyes, BUT WHATEVER IT WAS AWESOME.

And too bad it was raining so much that day, but we went in the pool anyway. Fuck weather. Ha.

This was after our epic freezing cold swim. You've no idea how excited I was to finally eat. Alcohol and morning after empty stomachs don't mix, so when Kerming dished out the steaks everyone was barfing rainbows and demanding mushroom sauce.

Dat ass HAHA

And then we fiddled with Kerming's fancypants new Canon G12 camera at the dinner table, the filters are awesome as.

And then after a glorious dinner, we be camwhoring.
This is the attempted duckface. 

Long story short, we've got a half caste, two asians, a white person, and a black person. If you know what I mean bahaha fuck we're so racist

and then after some time, we realised that our dearest andypandy refuses to camho with us bitches, so we went to camwhore with him instead. Look how happy he is. Highlight of our day.

Cocktails and mini rave parties were had. And a crazy pictionary game was started. 

'Oh shit, this cocktail mixer thing looks like a pig!'

andy is a very attractive penis HAHAHA 
One of these days, I'm gonna get sued for defamation bwahahaha

This was my drawing, can you guess what the word was? 
Everyone took ages, but Nhu finally got it.

 Aaaaaaand, we have a dead body.

 Boob groping hands

More camwhoring!

And then we watched the Ring, shit ourselves, then discarded the movie.
Good times.

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