Friday, July 10, 2009

J is for Jerk

(okay so they're not Js, but you can imagine)
(nice photography too :) )
jason you JERK
i mean NOTHING to you
and so now in turn, you mean NOTHING to me!
all your stupid corny lines about how i'm 'unique, different, cute' or whatever is A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!
hmm.. how did that go again?
'i love you leanne'
yeah RIGHT
'i love you more everyday'
'i miss you so much, i want to see you'
'i want to talk to you'
'can i come see you?'
'I was wonderin if u would like to come and watch ice age with me..?'
'Reckon we could be together again when u finish school..?'
'I didnt mind if u push me aside'
'Never felt like this before on any girl..'

if you're going to say things like that at least mean it
and if you really felt that way you wouldn't have gone around to other girls and told them you loved them too
why didn't i notice. its written all over you! you wouldn't stay, would you? you might say you would've, but we all know you're not going to
what was i expecting? too little, and too much.
i can't believe i fell for the things you said, i don't believe you anymore.
and to think i wanted to make things right with you again so that things could go back to the way they were.
but not anymore.
its too late.
so screw you, its been a long run.
and its been fun but i'm going to move on now
you are so full of it :)

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