Right now I'm pretty damn pissed off.
So today, I went to the library at university to study with some friends. And after some time, I left the library to go meet up with the boyfriend and left my laptop unattended and locked.
When I came back, I realise that my friends have tried to get into my laptop and use it.
I see no problem with that because I know that they won't be able to actually use it because none of them know the password.
But then on my return, one of the friends asks what my password was, and I replied with a simple 'Dude, I'm not telling you' which practically translates to 'I don't want you to know my password'.
And yet she presses on without a care about anyones privacy and asks the boyf what my password is. And since he knows, he's acting like 'Oh did you see the hint?'
And she is all 'Yeah, I saw it has something to do with her fish or whatever'
And I'm sitting right there and I'm like (in my head, of course) 'Fucking stop it, because it's fucking annoying.'
And boyf is just sitting there giving away clues to my laptop password and then they finally figure it out and they're all like 'OOHHH so that's what it is! LET'S TRY IT!' And I'm just sitting there, trying to block out their noise and she closes my laptop lid to get it to lock itself so that she can see if the password works.
And I'm actually STUDYING and thinking 'Will you stop being so fucking obnoxious?!?'
But in actual fact what I said was along the lines of 'Hey! I'm actually studying!'
But all in all, boyf was still egging her on and she doesn't give a shit about my privacy.
I'm not hiding anything on my laptop but it is my NUMBER ONE PET PEEVE - PRIVACY.
I have nothing to hide but seriously anyone who goes through my things without my permission and seriously pushes my limit is going to receive the epitome of my rage.
I don't want to bitch about my friends, it's not a nice thing to do. But in all honesty, she is habitually self centered and wants to know everything about everyone. She wants in on everyone's lives, and its the most annoying thing ever.
And my boyf? That idiot. I don't understand what brought him to say things like that. Does he not understand and value MY privacy? I'm his girlfriend for fucks sake, he shouldn't want others going through my things.
People who don't understand and value other peoples privacy, to me, are just extremely obnoxious. Like, why do you want to go through my things? They have nothing to do with you, it is absolutely none of your business and did your mother never teach you to value the personal space of others?
Honestly, I've had many people do this to me. It's like no one respects my privacy!
Just a few weeks ago, one my friends went through my wallet and found my contraceptives. A wallet may not be such a personal thing, but that still doesn't make it right to go peeking through it!!!!
So he finds my contraceptives and he's like 'Leanne... whats this? It's some sort of medicine and I'm studying to be a pharmacist so I kind of want to know?'
His intentions are innocent, but he still should not have gone through my shit.
And of course, being the unfortunate person I am when it comes to privacy, all of our friends were there. About six of us, in fact. Fuck my life. Seriously. If I wanted to tell everyone that I'm on the pill, I'd fucking do it myself.
And also another few weeks before that incident, I let my friend borrow my laptop so she could watch youtube videos. After about an hour, she gets bored and starts snooping around my desktop and reading my word documents.
These word documents are simply innocent word documents that me and Jason have written to each other as short 'messages', call them what you will. But she goes through them right in front of me and reading them out loud for the whole library to hear.
These people. What is wrong with them. They have their own laptops, why don't they use them instead of trying to hack into mine? If you're going to go through my shit at least give me a warning so that I can say
Uhh.. hello? Fuck you. Stop going through my shit, and stick your nose somewhere else.PS. To my darling friends that don't go through my shit:
Thank you for putting up with me, its much appreciated. I respect you guys for giving me a heads up and giving me the chance to say 'Umm, I'd rather you not'. ♥