Sunday, October 30, 2011

Moleskine Surprise!

This is going to be hilarious to me, but I've had this Moleskine daily planner for almost a year now. I write in it everyday, stash all sorts of weird crap in it and write down practically every important event to me. But just a short while ago, I thought 'Hey, it's time to write in my Moleskine! YAY!'

So I open it, flick through some old pages, look at how this year is just simply flownnnn by and I'm thinking 'Wow... this year has been amazing and so so crazy!'

And then.. here is the good part...

STICKERS! The Moleskine comes with STICKERS. Can you believe it? I've never even FOUND them before! I've sniffed this book and lived through it day by day and yet I've never seen these stickers. What is wrong with me?!

-so much awesome-
Now I can be twice as anal and organised!

And such, I end this post because I just wanted to rant about my daily planner.

PS. Since the year has flown by, I'm going to try to make the most out of every day from now until the end of the year. Being miserable doesn't suit my lifestyle, I prefer being happy. So I'm going to drag my fat ass out of his horrid mess. Just you watch me :)

Surprise Sunday field trip to the beach!

Received a message from Alex last night and she and Lena decided to go on a trip to the beach today, so... naturally, I wanted to go because I was so miserable being cooped up at home studying my brains out.

Here is a sneak preview of my sunburnt face.
Will blog and upload pictures soon, but too tired to right now.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Unfortunately for me, this whole entire week has kind of sucked.
Being tired and miserable every day doesn't really help the whole happy and glittery life journey :(

So this weeks things I love Thursday is (sadly) extremely short.

♥ DDR ♥ Boost Juice ♥ Buying books when I'm upset ♥ Chopper hat ♥ Getting nails done

Black French tips ~
(Was meant to take this picture with the DSLR, but I failed miserably, so I turned to the trusty webcam haha)

And yes, a lovely picture of my toes D:
The nail art is very prettyyyy, and I really like this colour too.
I forgot what colour, but it was a mix of a lilac purple and a dark blue from OPI

Jason got this for me at a comic book shop in Toowong
It's Choppers hat :)
Maybe, when I can afford it, I'll buy his blue backpack and cosplay as Tony Tony Chopper ♥

Well, not much is going to happen this weekend. I'll try to blog more often, but exams are almost here.. (one more week!) but being asian comes with complimentary asian parents. And of course, the stereotypical 'YOU HAVE TO DO WELL' pressure is setting in.

Can you believe it? My mother sat me down the other day and she's like 'How are you doing on your studies?' So I reply with 'Yeah, it's okay. My grades could be better, but so far I should be passing everything..'

And she talks to me like I'm going to fail miserably.

-Momentarily pause in blogging to have mother yell at me some more-

Can't be bothered with life anymore.

Friday, October 28, 2011

I feel so miserable.

'When we first met' - HelloGoodbye

'Winter Song' - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Second anniversary! Lots of love from, Rainbow Dash

These are the pictures of Jason's gift for our anniversary! We both like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and his favourite pony is Rainbow Dash. Being low on money, I thought it would be a nice idea to hand make something instead of just buying it. And painting is fuuuuun.

I used the typography from this source, so many thanks to the artist for the original :)

The painting is a little messed up here and there... I make a lot of mistakes, but I think it turned out well and it's the thought that counts, right?

Yay for being artsy fartsy ♥

Oh no. My heart hurts. Let me die.

I don't like arguments in relationships.

I like playful arguments and arguments about stupid and unusual things. But I doubt anyone (unless you're some form of emotional sadist or a very strong willed politician) really enjoys serious arguments.

Right now, I'm having a very.. let's say.. stupid argument with my 'significant other'.

It's a pretty dumb argument, nothing special. He won't meet deadlines and carry out his responsibilities and I'm an anxious brat who puts too much pressure on him and everything around me.

This is a recurring personality trait of mine, the whole anxiety - pressure thing. I freak out at every chance that something goes wrong. It's like this horrible mental filter that filters out everything positive, amplifies everything negative and helps me find impending doom in practically every situation.

His recurring personality trait (if you read this, correct me if I'm wrong) is the ability to be so ultra relaxed about everything. No pressure, nothing to worry about, just laid back and does things at his own pace. He's the kind of 'put the past behind you' person... Hakuna Matata, you know?

In this way, we are polar opposites. I like to feel secure and safe, rigid in my ways and prefer little change in my lifestyle. I like to be punctual and successful. He is laid back, doesn't seem to worry about much and prefers to go with the flow.

And ironically, I've been described as a 'totally not go with the flow' person.

And because of our polar personality traits, I don't know if it really suits us.
Maybe we are just too different, but maybe that is what makes us a unique couple too, I'm not entirely sure.

Do you think the case of 'opposites attract' are true or false?
In movies and fairytales, no matter the circumstances or the differences, the love always lasts - it lasts 'forever'. Do you think real relationships last in that kind of situation?

..I've yet to find out for myself, and the thought of letting go scares me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Self officiated blogger.

Today I met this girl called Rachel.

And she's pretty awesome!
I don't mean to be super self centred and obnoxious, but she complimented me and it made me so happy (despite my miserable day/week/forever).

We were talking about facebook and how because I don't have one it makes me antisocial :)
It went something like..

'Oh you don't have facebook? Why not?!'

'Because facebook sucks hahaha, I don't really like it because it's no fun really. I prefer tumblrrrrrr -huge grin-'

'Ahhh.. That's true, I thought you were more of a blogger'

Gahhh, I think what she said made my day :)
I actually LOOK like a blogger. Amazing.

I would never have thought :)

In other news, I'm having a miserable day with boyfriends, study, raging hormones and painful cramps. Blargh.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm having a really bad day today.

I want to rip out my heart, shove it on a stick and roast it until its all warm and tender.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Rage quit: Privacy

Right now I'm pretty damn pissed off.

So today, I went to the library at university to study with some friends. And after some time, I left the library to go meet up with the boyfriend and left my laptop unattended and locked.

When I came back, I realise that my friends have tried to get into my laptop and use it.

I see no problem with that because I know that they won't be able to actually use it because none of them know the password.

But then on my return, one of the friends asks what my password was, and I replied with a simple 'Dude, I'm not telling you' which practically translates to 'I don't want you to know my password'.

And yet she presses on without a care about anyones privacy and asks the boyf what my password is. And since he knows, he's acting like 'Oh did you see the hint?'

And she is all 'Yeah, I saw it has something to do with her fish or whatever'

And I'm sitting right there and I'm like (in my head, of course) 'Fucking stop it, because it's fucking annoying.'

And boyf is just sitting there giving away clues to my laptop password and then they finally figure it out and they're all like 'OOHHH so that's what it is! LET'S TRY IT!' And I'm just sitting there, trying to block out their noise and she closes my laptop lid to get it to lock itself so that she can see if the password works.

And I'm actually STUDYING and thinking 'Will you stop being so fucking obnoxious?!?'

But in actual fact what I said was along the lines of 'Hey! I'm actually studying!'

But all in all, boyf was still egging her on and she doesn't give a shit about my privacy.
I'm not hiding anything on my laptop but it is my NUMBER ONE PET PEEVE - PRIVACY.
I have nothing to hide but seriously anyone who goes through my things without my permission and seriously pushes my limit is going to receive the epitome of my rage.

I don't want to bitch about my friends, it's not a nice thing to do. But in all honesty, she is habitually self centered and wants to know everything about everyone. She wants in on everyone's lives, and its the most annoying thing ever.

And my boyf? That idiot. I don't understand what brought him to say things like that. Does he not understand and value MY privacy? I'm his girlfriend for fucks sake, he shouldn't want others going through my things.

People who don't understand and value other peoples privacy, to me, are just extremely obnoxious. Like, why do you want to go through my things? They have nothing to do with you, it is absolutely none of your business and did your mother never teach you to value the personal space of others?

Honestly, I've had many people do this to me. It's like no one respects my privacy!

Just a few weeks ago, one my friends went through my wallet and found my contraceptives. A wallet may not be such a personal thing, but that still doesn't make it right to go peeking through it!!!!

So he finds my contraceptives and he's like 'Leanne... whats this? It's some sort of medicine and I'm studying to be a pharmacist so I kind of want to know?'

His intentions are innocent, but he still should not have gone through my shit.

And of course, being the unfortunate person I am when it comes to privacy, all of our friends were there. About six of us, in fact. Fuck my life. Seriously. If I wanted to tell everyone that I'm on the pill, I'd fucking do it myself.

And also another few weeks before that incident, I let my friend borrow my laptop so she could watch youtube videos. After about an hour, she gets bored and starts snooping around my desktop and reading my word documents.

These word documents are simply innocent word documents that me and Jason have written to each other as short 'messages', call them what you will. But she goes through them right in front of me and reading them out loud for the whole library to hear.

These people. What is wrong with them. They have their own laptops, why don't they use them instead of trying to hack into mine? If you're going to go through my shit at least give me a warning so that I can say Uhh.. hello? Fuck you. Stop going through my shit, and stick your nose somewhere else.

PS. To my darling friends that don't go through my shit:
Thank you for putting up with me, its much appreciated. I respect you guys for giving me a heads up and giving me the chance to say 'Umm, I'd rather you not'. ♥

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Super belated things I love Thursday

As promised this is the huge ass mega super duper things I love thursday bonanza!
My phone decided it wasn't going to revert back to stock functions and kept all my previous files so I was HAPPY. I was freaking out because I thought I would have to get back all my contacts and I was all 'NOOOOOOOO... THAT WOULD MEAN I HAVE TO LOG ONTO FACEBOOK TO CONTACT EVERYONE. GAAAAAAAY.'

Such thus, I have my final TiLT list! Finally!

Also, I should be blogging more often from now on as I have more of a social life! (More of, not necessarily an actual social life haha)

Things that have made me grateful these past billion weeks:

♥ Friday night dates ♥ tea, scones and cake! ♥ taro milk & oolong bubble tea ♥ Folio bookstore ♥ all nighter at uni... ♥ eggs salmon hollandaise ♥ converting friends into bronies :D ♥ Jason being chased by children at the kiddy pools (haha it was so funny because I egged on the kids to splash water all over Jason in his restaurant uniform and then the kids chased him all around the pool... and then of course, they splashed me too. Those sneaky kids..!) ♥ competitive air hockey ♥ spending a day shopping with mum ♥ new shoes and a new pony playset! Yay Cheerilee! ♥ rolling around in the grass with Jasonface ♥ Sizzlers ♥ shopping with Jess ♥ Pool and karaoke with Chan, Cindy, Jess, Tim & Jason after we ran into them at Target of all places ♥ Makeup portfolio photoshoot & Korean BBQ ♥ Second anniversary ♥

As you can see, I've been somewhat sociable lately since all my assessments are over. But I still have exams to go... Oh dear.

I shall keep this blog updated in the future. Much to write about methinks. Second anniversary with Jasonface and the makeup portfolio photoshoot!

I guarantee the next few posts are going to be very photo-heavy. I took like.. 550 photos everyday for the past few days ._.

Chan and her boy toys :3

Jason pulled off an awesome brooding look... reminds me of L from deathnote.
(Gahh... L... -swoon-)

Jason's gift for our second anniversary!
With me being terribly broke all the time I ended up painting him a Rainbow Dash canvas :)
It was so much fun to paint, but so painstakingly difficult to get it all right...
I'll post the finished product later on :D

Now it is time for me to go watch One Piece and study for the upcoming exams -dies-

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Just a heads up, my phone is working properly after malfunctioning for about three hours. So I have an TiLT list! Hurray!

Bad news is, its 12.18am and I'm sleepy. So off to bed with me and I leave you with a picture of David's numbat.

Yes... inside joke. David and I had a big discussion about what numbats and armodillos look like and that apparently they look very different. Best stimulating discussion about animals hahaha

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mega Super Things I Love Thursday Extravaganza!

I open with... a Bulbasaur I drew earlier this week :)

Pretty cool, no? I downloaded photoshop CS5 (Shh, don't tell Adobe) and started fumbling around with it. I've been drawing stupid things every Monday, as part of a procrastinating regime. (You should've seen all the unimaginative penises me and my friend have drawn in the past few weeks.)
It's also funny because a friend of ours also commented that we are 'sexually frustrated', hence all the penis drawings. But in actual fact, we're just plain immature.

Impromptu camwhore at the library

Also, the pictures below are from Jess's 21st birthday! I think it was a bit of a shame she had nothing planned :( So we decided to whip up a quick plan to eat pizza and McDonald's in the library PLUS cake. (I bought that cake, that's why it tasted so awesome.) It was raining that day too, and the pizza box turned soggy. But the pizza inside tasted awesome anyway. But yeah, that was the adventure for the 3rd of October.
Happy birthday Jess! Hope you had an awesome adventure for your 21st :)

^Soggy pizza box with awesome untouched pizza inside

And this is an impromptu dinner at Little Singapore with Chan and her friends! They're uber nice and dinner was especially hilarious. We had free bubble tea, really loud conversations, gay couples accompanied with plenty of sexual innuendos (Some of which, were acted out very realistically...)

Also, some baby ducks were born in the past few weeks! I have a few pictures but I thought this one was especially cute! (I meant the picture with the ducks, not the asian dude. Haha.)

It's funny because it's not Thursday. Today is Sunday.

These things are so out of schedule now! I really need to get back on track with this whole 'I LURVE MY LIFE' journey thing.

Other than that, tonnes of stuff has been happening lately! Stuff = not even mildly interesting. Stuff as in... My entrepreneurship business plan. Gosh that sucked, I hauled my ass through the whole entire thing and luckily managed to finish, print and submit my assignment 5 minutes before it was actually due. -suicide-

Other than that, things I love this week are:

-instant update-
My phone is updating and reconfiguring. And I type out all my TiLT list in the notepad app... Of all times for this to happen...

Things I Love Thursday will be delayed. In the meantime, I'm reading Julie & Julia by Julie Powell at the moment.

Pretty good book, but I feel sorry for Julie though. Her life is so fraught with anxiety it even makes me look sane. But so far so good, I've only read up to page... 59. It's pretty crazy, her husband is really supportive of her though, its a shame that the Julie character herself is a wreck sometimes.

I hope I don't end up like that... :S

HAHAHAHA. My iPhone is restoring. Hopefully, it'll use the backup... and hopefully the backup files aren't screwed over. Otherwise I'm gonna have a totally new iPhone setup. Oh crap.

...And we wait...

This is real time updating guys.

BAH. 47 apps to sync, this is crazy. I'll just try to remember what I can from the huge ass list...

Converting friends into bronies ♥ Being pampered at Jason's workplace with iced tea, brownies, cheesecake (!) and sammiches ♥ Painting ♥ Spending a day out with mum going shopping and coming home with a new pair of shoes, a cream sweater and a new Twilight Sparkle playset! ♥ Fried rice and oysters ♥ Looking forward to three weeks of semi-relaxed consistent study before exams ♥ 'Good Life' by One Republic ♥ The Gradual Demise of Philippa Finch by Emma Magenta ♥

Those are the few I can poop up in my head right now, when my phone decides to function in english (and not Chinese) I'll let you know.

Hopefully, I'll have a lot more time to update this blog now since uni is going to be a teeny weeny bit nicer to me :)

Thanks for putting up with me and reading all this nonsense :D

Ciao ~

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Things that are making me unhappy today:

  • my boyfriend doesn't have the time for me
  • I feel like I am a burden to everyone
  • I have 1500 words to write by the end of the day
  • my poor goldfish is sick
  • I'm sick (and also hungry)
  • I'm also very tired
In other news: the pet shop is selling border collie puppies for $650 each. I want one.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

'Life' uses acute stress!

It's a critical hit!
Leanne uses eight hour sleep and three proper meals per day!
But it failed!
'Life' uses give-Leanne-a-cold-before-the-most-important-assignment-of-semester-is-due.
It's very effective!
Leanne is paralysed and cannot move!

Thus is the general outlook of me right now. Hence the non-blogging and none of the Things I Love Thursday lately. Yes, it's because I've just been a little too miserable lately.

After this, I'll blog a bit more and clue the internet in on my social musings. But right now, no time for happiness, must poop out research and a satisfactory business plan before Wednesday. Please excuse me if I die.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm an aggressive bitch and should not be allowed near any sane humans or relationships, whatsoever.

I am a hopeless romantic, have high expectations and can be spontaneous and violent when I am irritated and upset.

I no longer wish to live.

But the journey of life pushes me on and urges me not to give up.
Dear Adam Levine,

I love your voice.
Please, Maroon 5, don't ever disband.
I wish you all the immortality and inspiration in the world.

Kind regards,

Entrepreneurship business plan?

HAHA. Yeah, right.
-awaits extreme anxiety and stress to sink in before starting anything-

-laughs hysterically-

-opens new tab, Tumblr.-

Sunday, October 2, 2011


At home... Being awesome. -cough-

ITS 6.42PM.

I go on animepaper to look for wallpapers and then do a tag search on tumblr for one piece and ranma and then BAM. Half the day gone.

I am such a slacker ._.



PS. Chopper is so damn cute. And Zoro is too..

-continues dying-